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Bijoux Mystery Series video by Joanna D'Angelo

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Bijoux Mystery Series

Going Home is Murder


Morgan Hart is home. A former homicide detective in Detroit, Morgan is back in her old hometown of Bijoux, Michigan to take over the reins of police captain from her dad, Able.


The quirky lakeside town has undergone quite a transformation since she last lived there —with kitschy new shops popping up along Main Street, a cupcake bakery Morgan is pretty sure will become her second home, and a growing tourist trade.


Morgan hopes to ease into her new job, new cottage, and new life – after all, Bijoux hasn’t had a murder in almost a hundred years. What could possibly go wrong?

Cats & More: Adult Coloring Book Series

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From the elegance of Victorian London to the richness of Ancient Pompeii to the ethereal wonder of the parallel land of Paran to the sweeping enchanted majesty of ninth century Great Britain.

This trilogy contains three stand-alone, sweeping romances blending history, fantasy, and time travel—connected by the prophetic dreams and visions of each heroine and the wise woman who guides them on their journeys.

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